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How many marriages in the United Arab Emirates in 1 year?

UAE News: The Abu Dhabi Statistics Center has found the most popular months for marriages and divorces in the UAE.

A report published in Abu Dhabi recently revealed that the most popular month for wedding ceremonies in the Emirate is March, and ironically, the most popular month for divorces was also in March.

The Abu Dhabi Statistical Center (ADSC) reported that in 2016, Abu Dhabi recorded a total of 5,892 marriage contracts, of which 70.9 percent were mixed marriage contracts - a decrease of 2.4 percent compared to 2015. .

According to the ADSC, intermarriage is defined as a marriage between a male emirati and a female emigrant, or between a female emirati and a male emigrant.
The average age of marriage for Abu Dhabi's men in Abu Dhabi was 27.2 years and 24.2 years for women in 2016, with the highest percentage of marriages taking place in March and June being the lowest.

A total of 1,922 cases of divorce were registered in Abu Dhabi in 2016, 68.3 percent of which were attended by the Emirates, either men or women.
The proportion of citizens reached 7.6 cases per 1000 population, with the month of March witnessing the highest level of divorce and seeing the lowest in September.

The report also notes that 28.2 percent of divorce cases in 2016 did not sustain one full year, and more than 50 percent of marriages did not last three years.

“Although the number of marriage contracts registered in Abu Dhabi has increased by 5.8 percent per year since 1975, the marriage rate declined from 7.6 marriages per 1000 citizens in 2016 from 7.9 marriages per 1000 citizens in 2015” - the report says.

The report also added that in 2016, 58.6 percent of emirates aged 15 years and older were married, 35.7 percent were single, and 5.7 percent were divorced.

The author: Peter Semenov

Погода в Дубае, ОАЭ