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UAE is a happy Arab country

Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland hit the top lines in the world list, Burundi was on the last place, where public unrest and unrest often occurred.

What makes the country happier? The authors of the rating consider that the less social inequality in society, the more joyful it is. By the way, in February of this year in the UAE, the appearance of new ministers in the country was announced: in terms of happiness and tolerance.

Rating of the happiest countries:

  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
  11. USA
  12. Germany
  13. Great Britain
  14. UAE
  15. Russia
  16. Burundi
Погода в Дубае, ОАЭ