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In Dubai, the order is followed by a drone-cop

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) will patrol the streets, beaches, and other public recreation areas where large amounts of garbage are most often thrown away. The drone is set to detect violators of the purity of the city, which he photographs, these materials are then transferred to the authorities.

These drones will greatly facilitate the life of the staff of the municipality, eliminating the need for constant inspection of territories. In addition, the drones are able to get to those places where representatives of the authorities have limited access because of the cars.

At the moment, there is only one robot-policeman in Dubai who is monitoring the environmental situation in the city. Soon, the authorities are going to launch three drons to control more thoroughly.

By the way, for several years in the UAE, with the help of UAVs, care is taken of reserves. Also, more recently, Dubai Customs has been using them to track suspicious activity and for more detailed inspection of merchant ships. Even now, drones in the test mode are engaged in the delivery of government documents around the city.

Погода в Дубае, ОАЭ